Never Eat Alone: 4 Networking Tips

I’m always telling people about how Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi is my favourite business book. It made me cry (not sure if that’s a normal reaction). It was a gift from my best friend senior year of college. Ferrazzi put into words exactly what I had on my mind, but didn’t know howContinue reading “Never Eat Alone: 4 Networking Tips”

Losing My Elevator Pitch

When meeting someone for the first time you should be able to give them a quick summary of who you are and what you do. Your ‘elevator pitch’ is an approximately thirty second story to tell during a brief elevator ride to a hypothetical top floor. I like to think that I used to haveContinue reading “Losing My Elevator Pitch”

A Blog to Call My Own

Lately I’ve had some ideas for good posts, but sadly no home for them. I’ve contributed to several blogs over the past couple years but always hesitated in creating my own. I did start The Aussie Blog to document my study abroad experience last fall. The main reason I updated it was because I knewContinue reading “A Blog to Call My Own”