My 30 Day Challenge Blog Project

I’ve decided to take my blog in a new direction (no this isn’t an April Fools’ joke). I feel that I’ve been fairly professional up until this point. I’ve mentioned before that this blog is my online home. My CV and portfolio are here. I list this blog on my LinkedIn account. That professional part of my life is clearly important to me, both online and offline, but I’m ready to start blogging on a more personal level.

I want to start writing more for myself and less for an audience, because I know that in this approach, you find community.  That’s what I really want the goal of my blog to be, to connect with people. That’s why I love Twitter as a social networking platform. I love connecting and constantly meeting new friends. I know that I have to be willing to “put myself out there” to find what I’m looking for in blogging.

Starting this month I’m creating 30 day challenges for myself and writing about my experiences.  It’s one month to learn a new habit, walk in someone else’s shoes or perhaps learn something about myself.  Some of my challenges will be good for my physical health and others are meant to be good for the soul. There are no rules, expect for the rules I give myself. I don’t plan on blogging everyday but I would like to blog more often than my disgraceful once per month schedule I’ve been on.

My first challenge? I’m giving up coffee for 30 days. I love having my coffee every morning. I love the coffee culture here and I know this challenge is going to make me rather grouchy for the first week and a half. I do enjoy my morning coffee, but I don’t like the idea of “needing” caffeine to stay awake.  I’m spending a lot of money on coffee (maybe around $100 a month) just to stay awake and it’s feeling a bit routine lately. I’d rather drink it less often and really enjoy it when I do have it. I’m giving it up for 30 days so I can detox and not depend on the daily caffeine.

I’ll see where this project takes me, perhaps in future months I’ll take suggestions on 30 day challenges. For now, I have a decent list to last me through the next year and a half.

What blog project are you working on right now?

7 thoughts on “My 30 Day Challenge Blog Project

  1. Good luck Hannah! I’m the only one in my office that doesn’t drink coffee, think I’m also the most naturally happy 😀

  2. Good luck with the coffee thing. I know I loved the coffee in Australia. I miss it so much now that I’m back home in Canada. They just don’t seem to understand what a flat white is here. As for me? I’m just trying to write more in my blog, trying to generate more interest. I’ve decided to take my blog more in the direction of travel tips and stuff like that, since I am finished telling the saga of my 4month backpacking adventure through Australia and New Zealand.

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